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Deadly Temptations
Deadly Temptations Read online
Deadly Temptations
Mina J. Moore
Black Orchid Press
Kindle Edition
Copyright © 2012 Mina J. Moore
All Rights Reserved
License Notes
This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of the author.
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.
Special thanks to Nickie Asher. Your words of encouragement have been invaluable and I truly appreciate everything you’ve done to help me on this journey. Much love to my beta readers, Michele Archer and Sallie Lundy-Frommer.
C.J. Ellisson, thanks for your guidance and vision.
Table of Contents:
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
DENISE MILTON marched into her office and bit off a growl at the files piled on her desk. Things were bad on a company-wide level. Informing people they no longer had a job was a bitch and something she didn’t look forward to. The preparations seemed worse than the actual sit-down. The overjoyed voice belonging to one of the people on her list of doom carried over and Denise rolled her eyes. Gina Rhodes waltzed into the office ten minutes late. Early for her. Instead of getting right to business she mingled in the hall outside Denise’s door and did a trial run of The Inquirer on why Johnny didn’t get to school on time because his mother was late coming back from an overnight affair.
Denise swore Gina knew more about everyone else in the company than Fred Kern who had been employed when they had laid the first brick. Damn sponge.
The annoying voice drew closer and Denise cringed. The ass kissing Gina was bringing wouldn’t nullify her lack of time-keeping. She could write a dissertation on The Many Ways of Fucking up at Work.
Denise studied the files on her desk hoping Gina would keep walking. No such luck.
“Hello. And how are we doing today?” Gina asked as she bounced over to the window and admired the view from the corner office.
She turned with a fake smile which made Denise want to hear someone’s nails scratching down a blackboard instead.
Denise put her pen down. “I’m good. I’d be a lot better if you started coming in at your scheduled time and got to work. It’s okay to get coffee and say hello but I really don’t want to hear about Johnny’s mom every morning. That is a conversation for lunch or break.” God, it felt good to tell her that. Denise was tired of biting her tongue. It wasn’t her style.
Gina pursed her lips and adjusted her frilled shirt which did a half-ass job of hiding her ample boobage.
Denise pointed at Gina’s top and arched an eyebrow. “You also need to mind how you dress. It’s not professional.”
Gina’s face turned red and not from embarrassment. She planted her hands down on Denise’s desk and leaned over.
“I don’t hear Mader complaining about my time or dress. Maybe this little reprimand should come from him since he is my boss.” Her eyebrow quirked up in mock amusement.
Denise wanted to punch her. This had gone on for too long. Denise had been in plenty of meetings where tearing employees apart over the same type of behavior was commonplace. Tardiness wasn’t Gina’s only issue. The quality of her work did nothing to improve Denise’s opinion.
Denise’s team had stepped in on numerous occasions to pick up Gina’s slack. Morale had plummeted in the last couple of months and with downsizing barreling its way down the executive pike, this had potential to get ugly.
No way in hell Denise would agree to lose a good employee so Mader could keep his hussy. Only someone having an affair would put up with such crap.
Denise leaned on her elbows and glared up at Barbie wannabe. “I may not be your direct supervisor but as a senior manager with this section, I am allowed to make certain recommendations.”
Gina smirked. “Recommend all you want, darling. Until Mader tells me himself, you will have to deal. No one else complains about the way I dress. As a matter of fact, I’m pretty well liked around here.” To drive her point home, Gina smoothed her hands down her hips. “Pure jealously.” She whispered while turning on her four inchers and leaving the office.
Denise took a deep breath, threw her pen down on her cherry wood desk, and pushed her chair back. She was damn tired of this bullshit. Mader needed to keep his dick in his pants and take care of the issue.
Corporate insisted on reductions and they would happen soon. Their section had to let two employees go and she knew who was on her crap pile. Human Resources would back her up all the way.
As senior managers for this division, working together on projects was part of the package. Since Gina had transferred a couple months ago from Finance, Denise’s department had had nothing but problems where Gina’s work was concerned.
Denise made her way down the hall toward Mader’s office. The problem had probably started at the Christmas party where Mader had gone overboard with the rum and coke. They had left together, Gina insisting on giving him a ride home.
Well, she gave him a ride all right. Why else would Mader bend and take Gina’s insolence?
That wasn’t his style. He was a straight up prick which made him excel at what he did and if she was honest, that part of him fell by the wayside when she saw him in action. Denise had figured that out in the six months they had worked together. She had held a good amount of respect for him. Until the Gina incident.
Mader saw her through the storefront windows of his office and motioned her in.
He smiled as he hung up the phone. “Those bastards are mine. They just don’t know it yet.” He motioned for her to sit.
Denise crossed her legs. The direct route would be the best way. Mader abhorred the beating around the bush bullshit, and seriously, so did she.
Denise eyed him covertly. Damn he wore a suit well. She had always admired his looks but their relationship had to remain purely professional. Conflict of Interest would be an understatement.
Mader glanced at her legs. His gaze lingered a few seconds before he turned toward his computer. “Is there something we need to review on the Hansen project? I talked with them this morning and they seem onboard.”
Denise tried not to fist her hands in frustration “Not exactly. I do have a problem though. Gina was very rude and unprofessional to me earlier. I spoke to her about the tardiness and her breasts were all but hanging out of her blouse. It’s not something I allow my team to do and I don’t think she should continue to get away with this. She is causing issues with morale.”
Mader steepled his fingers and leaned back. Abruptly he got up and walked outside. Denise saw Gina head to the mailroom after he mumbled something to her. Mader returned, closed the door, and flicked the blinds. Then he came toward her.
Nervous, Denise ran a hand through her hair as she got up. Suddenly her business cut skirt seemed too short and her jacket, not long enough.
The way he looked at her wasn’t right. She watched the calculation in his bright blue eyes as he stood no more than an inch away. She was so shocked at his gall, mo
ving wasn’t in her radar just yet. She was too busy checking out his dark hair and his cologne; downright delicious. Had he always been this attractive? Probably, but their working relationship had kept her at arm’s length.
Denise went to take a step back but didn’t quite make it.
Mader wrapped his fingers around the back of her neck. “I really don’t give a shit about Gina.” Then his full lips closed over hers.
HOLY CRAP! Denise didn’t even get a breath in with how hot and heavy he was coming down. She pressed against his chest. Try pushing a mountain, you might have more luck.
She meant to open her mouth and give him a few choice words, but well, she got his tongue instead.
Were her toes tingling? Had to be from how pissed off she felt. Yep. Not. Her tongue was right there with him and before she knew it they were full-blown into a make-out session. All they needed; background music and some greasy pervert with a high tech camera.
A loud noise outside hit them like a bucket of cold water and Mader pulled away abruptly.
Denise stared at his broad back as he paced over to the other side of the office. She envied his fingers as they ran through all that black, silky hair.
Close your mouth and clean up the drool. How the hell was she going to continue working with him after this? They were obviously attracted to each other. If she was being honest with herself, he was front and center on her radar lately and his eyes did linger when she was in the room.
Denise crossed her arms over her chest in an effort to mask the way her chest was pumping as if she had just run a marathon. Wasn’t this grand?
The door clicked open and what do you know? In came sunshine with a bundle and a whole lot of hip action. The come and get me walk she had going on came to a stop much like the piercing sound when someone pulled the needle off a record back in the day.
Gina clutched the letters to her exposed chest and glanced at Mader and Denise. Her eyes sharpened and her usually smiling lips pressed together in an angry line.
“Your mail, Troy.” She walked over to his conference table and slapped it down. “Remember your meeting later.” She said over her shoulder before closing the door.
Denise stared after her. Moving her gaze back to Mader, she watched as he took a seat, his forefinger resting under his nose.
“Troy? Really? I don’t even call you by your first name. As a matter of fact, you would rip anyone who dared a new asshole.”
Mader moved forward resting his elbows on the desk. He seemed very tired and not at all the spitfire on the phone just moments ago.
“What the hell is happening and you better be straight with me,” she said. “I’m willing to forget the incident with us. This Troy thing? Not so much.” It irked the hell out of her that he might just be playing them both.
Mader leaned back, his body language a yo-yo of uncertainty.
“I could really use a fucking drink.”
Denise glanced at her watch. It was still early. They could probably get some breakfast instead. “Let’s go. We shouldn’t discuss this here anyway. Grab your coat and I’ll meet you in the parking lot in fifteen. I’ll drive.”
MADER watched her leave. He’d made a complete ass of himself. How much more complicated could he make this? What the hell was he thinking? If this got back to corporate he would be done. It wasn’t enough that bitch had him by the balls. Now he had another issue. How to deal with his attraction toward Denise without pissing the other one off?
This was going to get ugly. He wasn’t about to lose everything he’d worked so hard for over an obsessed slut.
Grabbing his briefcase and coat, he walked out of the office. Gina’s voice stopped him. He hated the power she wielded over him. Mader turned slowly and fixed her with an impatient gaze.
“What do I tell your eleven o’ clock?” She actually had the nerve to smile.
“Mr. Olsen wanted to discuss minor details. Call and inform him there’s a pressing matter. Reschedule for Friday.” Mader left without another word.
GINA twirled her hair to keep from smashing something. They thought her stupid because she was a blond sporting a healthy rack. A blind man would have seen the sparks flying around between those two when she had walked in on them. Bright red lipstick on Maders’ lips sealed the deal. Fuck them. The bitch would get what was coming to her very soon.
DENISE walked through the parking garage and added a meeting to her iPhone calendar that wasn’t really going to happen. She hated the lie but it was necessary. They were dealing with a mental case and she wasn’t about to take any chances. Gina was obviously hot for Mader and that spelled all kinds of trouble for him.
Footsteps echoed behind her, she glanced back and hit the keyless entry. Mader stopped before catching up to her, his eyes bulging out of his head. She gave him the what’s wrong gesture with her hand. He pointed at the tail-end of her vehicle.
Someone had keyed the shit out of it. The scratch wasn’t of the small variety either. The thing started at the back light and went across the trunk, digging through the black paint like a wound. Denise couldn’t believe her eyes as she stepped away from her brand new Camero.
“That little bitch,” she murmured.
Mader swore under his breath. “This is getting out of control.”
Denise turned to him. “Ya think?” She walked to the other side to make sure there was no more damage. Relieved, she used her iPhone to snap several pictures.
“Listen, let’s take your car. This way we can still go and I can file the report with the Risk Department when we get back.”
Mader nodded his head. “File a report?”
Denise glared at him as if his marbles had finally deserted him. “Hell yeah.”
Mader ran his hand through his hair, something he always did when he was ticked off. “You’re right.”
Peering over at her car again, Denise clenched her jaw and wanted to hit something, preferably a head with blonde hair.
Someone shuffled to their car behind them. Denise glanced back. Angie Bomstead clutched her bag and searched for her keys. Her big blue eyes widened with terror when she saw them. The poor girl was afraid of her own shadow.
Denise waved at her. “Hey Angie. Going out?”
Angie studied Denise’s car and shook her head, her mouth opened and closed like a fish out of water.
“Y...yes, Ms. Milton. Going to run some errands.” Her eyes betrayed her again and moved back to the damage on the Camaro before she got in her little Ford Focus and sped away.
Mader watched her go and scowled. “She knows something.”
“You’re damn right she does and I’m going to find out what it is, but first there are some things you and I need to discuss.”
THEY drove to Denny’s in record time and boy did she appreciate a man who knew how to work his stick. The suit he was sporting wrapped around his biceps when he downshifted and didn’t she just stare. Hell yeah. A quick recap of a hot kiss and his arms all around her was just enough to have her studying the landscape flying by the window instead. Much safer.
Moments later, they walked in and the hostess pasted a huge smile on her puss when she saw Mader. Denise rolled her eyes and followed the bouncy brunette.
They were seated immediately and their order arrived within minutes. Denise spooned her cup of hot chocolate and got right to the point. “So, how long have you been banging Gina?”
MADER CHOKED on his coffee, coughing several times to clear the blockage. His chest heaved and he cursed on a deep breath. The cute hostess ran over with some more water and insisted on pounding him on the back.
He held up his arms and warded her off. Clearing his throat, he thanked her and wiped his mouth with a napkin.
“Jesus Christ, Denise. What the hell?” he croaked.
Denise leaned forward and smiled. “It’s pretty obvious since you haven’t torn into her yet, well, at least not in a disciplinary role. I mean, she is ser
iously not doing a good job and her attitude is crap.”
Mader took another chug of his coffee before setting the mug down on the table. He might as well tell his partner, who he happened to be interested in, what was going on.
“The problem started at the Christmas party. She claims we slept together.”
Denise stirred her hot chocolate and quirked an eyebrow. “You don’t remember?”
“No.” He looked embarrassed.
“Do you believe her?”
Mader leaned back and blew out a breath. “I seriously hold some doubts considering the condition I was in. But everyone saw us leave together and you know how people talk shit.
“Yeah, I sure do.”
“She promised she wouldn’t cause problems if I got her in with Marketing in my division. She agreed it had all been a mistake, especially on her part. I knew she was giving me no choice so I took her deal hoping the issue would blow over.”
A Senior Manager sleeping with an employee was frowned upon by the powers that be and under the downsizing pressures they faced, did not speak favorably. A one sided love connection made it all kinds of complicated.
“I think you have a stalker problem here.” Denise murmured.
“For sure.” Mader stared at her from under his lashes. After a few seconds he unloaded the nasty weight on his mind.
“I am sorry about your car. I never thought she would take it this far. I guess she had no reason to go Fatal Attraction on me until you.” He stared at her mouth. It was full and tempting. He knew just what those lips were capable of. Mader glanced away before continuing.
“Working with her has been a challenge and I’m not talking about all the screw-ups.” He looked into his coffee mug as if searching for some answers.
“The woman throws herself at me constantly. I seriously don’t want anything to do with her. I should have just let her go to corporate with her bullshit, but with everything going on, rocking the boat didn’t seem like the smartest thing to do.”